2006 NMDA National Champion
Jack 2006
NMDA National Champion Best of Breed
The Great Celebration Mule & Donkey Show
Shelbyville, Tennessee
herd sires, Jet Pilot, Bronson, Main Event, and Pepi have produced many outstanding jennet
offspring that would not be available to us from another breeder. If retained, these jennets
could not be bred to any of our jacks. After searching far and wide for an exceptional black
jack with a pedigree unrelated to any of our stock, Itsy Bitsy Burro Company Miniature Donkeys
purchased Sunset Acres Smart Derby in May 2005. With the addition of Derby to our breeding
program, we are able to retain any of our jennets and breed them to him. Smart
Derby moved to Texas the middle of May 2005 from Nebraska. His first show was in July
2005 in Shelbyville, Tennessee where he placed 3rd in the Yearling Jack Class. We showed
him next in August 2005 in Conroe, Texas at our first two judge NMDA show. Both judges confirmed
our opinion of Derby's outstanding qualities. He is now one of our CHAMPION HERD SIRES!
Smart Derby won 1st Place Yearling
Jack under both Judge Larry Parnell and Judge Sami Scheuring. Derby was then awarded NMDA
Junior Champion Jack by both judges at the NMDA Lone Star State of Stars Miniature Donkey
Show in Conroe, Texas, August 2005. Smart
Derby won 2nd Place Yearling Jack at the 2005 Texas State Fair NMDA Show.
Smart Derby won 1st Place Jack and Grand Champion Model
Miniature Donkey at the Houston Livestock Show March 2006. Smart
Derby won 1st Place Jack and Grand Champion Jack at the Texas Championship Miniature
Donkey Show May 2006. Smart
Derby won 2006 Grand Champion Jack and Best of Breed at
the NMDA National Show, Shelbyville, Tennessee. Smart
Derby won 1st Place 3 Years & Over Jack and Grand Champion Jack 2007 Fort Worth
Livestock Show. Smart Derby
returned to the Houston Livestock Show March 2007 and won 1st Place Jack and Grand Champion
Model Donkey. Smart Derby won
2007 Grand Champion Jack and Best of Breed at the NMDA Show, Shelbyville, Tennessee.
Smart Derby won 2008 Grand Champion
Jack at The Great Celebration Mule & Donkey NMDA Show in Shelbyville, Tennessee.
Sunset Acres Smart Derby has proven himself to be an outstanding
jack. His first foals arrived spring 2007. Every foal has his showy "heads up"
personality and conformation to the standards set by ADMS. Derby is proving his excellence
in the pasture as well as the show ring. |